
Dance for Me (Official Trailer)

When a 15 yr old boy does not get the support he needs from his parents he finds an unexpected friendship with an elderly neighbor.

Speak (Official Trailer)

After being teased by classmates, a young girl with a speech impediment gains confidence through learning we all have things about ourselves we try to hide.

Stand Out (Official Trailer)

A biracial teen tries to find where she fits in this world. With the help of her friends and family she discovers she was never meant to fit in. She was born to Stand Out.

“What A Celiac Do” (Song Parody)

Parody of the Jonas Brothers song “What a Man Gotta Do” showing a portion of what a celiac goes through.

Life of A Celiac

A quick and entertaining look into the life of someone with celiac disease.

Central Florida artist to bring feature film celebrating disability to big screen

Central Florida filmmaker Robin Hofmann is thrilled to bring “I Win,” a feature-length production celebrating disability, to the big screen. The film follows a grieving teen, Jax, who forms a transformative friendship with individuals with disabilities, emphasizing the importance of representation, real-life challenges, and the impact of relationships in the lives of people with disabilities. Ms. Hofmann is committed to creating an empowering and impactful film, with a cast and crew that includes individuals with disabilities, and she invites support for the project through a GoFundMe campaign on her website.

Man with down syndrome filming movie

“Nate Simon, an entrepreneur with down syndrome, has built a very successful clothing brand and he’s not stopping there…”